This baby oil is "mineral oil and chemical fragrence". Mineral oil "the purest oil?" is a byproduct of petroleum and petroleum is made from MOTOR OIL. Petroleum jelly has been processed 3x and mineral oil processessed 7x. Think of milk separating the the cream goes to the top; mineral oil is the cream of the crop of MOTOR OIL.
Think about it - mineral oil is an occlusive oil - it creates a barrier - now this would be a good thing if all you wanted to do was keep moisture out or keep moisture in but mineral oil in baby products and skincare products disables the bodys ability to release toxins and abosorb nutrients. The oil merely sits on the skin as a barrier (thinking of pouring hot wax over your arm and it hardens - thats all mineral oil does for your skin) If you want to see for yourself; do this test:
Take a regular fresh saltine cracker - put it in a bowl of water. Take a regular fresh saltine cracker - and pour your baby oil over it until it is covered.Now wait anywhere from 15 minutes to 15 days. The cracker in water will have absorbed all the moisture it could hold. The cracker in mineral - (tap it on the side of the bowl, over and over and over) did not absorb at all - it merely created the barrier.
Diaper rash cream is another excellent example: the active ingredient in diaper rash cream is zinc oxide. Most baby products include that - BUT - before that ingredient, on the ingredients list, you will see either mineral oil or petroleum. D oesnt it make sense that the zinc oxide would not work because you have placed the barrier on the skin. Therefore, the active ingredient is an ingredient you are paying for - and paying the price for on your babys skin.
There are really good baby products out there - and whatever you use - DO NOT USE MINERAL OIL NO MATTER WHAT YOUR DOCTOR SAYS. (it really is all about the money) and better yet, try something for yourself:
Arbonne International has baby products that contain no mineral oil and are vegan certified. They use only essential oils from plants (that absorb into the skin) and zinc oxide is the first ingredient on the diaper rash list. Let me know if you would like a sample and you will see the difference in the product and your babys skin. With all thats out there for us to worry about our kids - lets make the things we put on their skin, pure, safe and beneficial.