Thinking that Johnson & Johnson products must be good for babies, we started using the soap, powder, oil & lotion for our newborn baby.
In 2 days he started getting rashes on his face, head and body.
We immediately consulted our doctor and he recommended that we do not use any of the products from Johnson & Johnson.
He said that about 75-80% (which is quite a big proportion, considering his extremely reputed & busy practise in Aundh-Pune) of all the kids that he treats, have problems with the Johnson & Johnson products. He also said that the J&J baby powder contains "talc" which is not at all good for a baby’s skin. As against this, the products made in US etc. contains soya powder as base which is almost always harmless for a baby.
Simultaneously, I checked up with a few other friends of mine who had become parents in "near-past" and almost all of them had the same complaint.
I have no personal vendetta against J&J products (although my kid had to suffer a bit coz of the rashes) its just that I’d like to warn all "parents to be" to ask their doctor before using any of the J&J products for their precious little ones.
Take care.