Joining a local book club or a library is a must for everybody. You have to devote for reading atleast one hour every day. That is more than enough! Too much reading is not good for your eyes!
This book club reminds me of the class book clubs we had in Saudi Arabia. The American School where I worked, had book clubs for each class.The class teacher was in charge of the book club for her own class.Students used to bring a book each to the class and maintained a library of their own.Students also donated a book on their birthdays which were added up to the collection.Then, for weekends, students borrowed a book of their choice and returned it on monday.It was a good system, which worked out quite well.
Reading is a good hobby or practice . You can call it whatever you want! You may not find book clubs everywhere, but libraries are very common and it will be good if you can become a member in a local library.Library is a store house of knowledge and we have to make good use of it.
Getting a library card is not that hard! It is very easy.You have to take the trouble to go and get your membership. What they need is your address and phone number.Once they are entered in the computer, you are given the library card.You can carry it always in your purse.
In St.Johns where I live, there are two public libraries.One for adults and one for children. We are allowed to borrow seven books at a time for two weeks.If we wish to extend the loan period of books borrowed, we can just call the library by phone and get it done. It is that simple! If we cant reach them by phone, we can go to their library home page and get it done.I am not sure if this facility is available in libraries in India.
We can borrow any book, other than reference books in libraries.This is applicable to all the libraries. Reference books are used by people who sit in the library and do some reference work. If you need any information from the reference books, you can get them photocopied. Our libraries have photocopying machines as well as computers.
The computers in our libraries have internet access.Those who dont have computers at home, make use of this facility. I have seen many people preparing their resume and cover letters using the computers in the library.
Sometimes, we have book sale in the library.You can buy books at a very reasonable price, during those sales.
Other than interesting books and fiction, libraries also have newspapers from different parts of the world, videos and cd. You can read the newspapers there itself and borrow the video or cd, whatever you want.
If you wish to do some reference work in a library or read from home, that is also possible, using theInternet Public Library.There are many, but I will give you just one which I use quite often. The address is, There is a reference center, exhibits section, Ipl services for librarians, online magazines & serials in many different subjects, online newspapers, online texts collection and web searching. Just log on and see for yourself! You will be impressed! I am sure about it!
Libraries enrich our general knowledge and keep us updated on all things happening currently. We also get to know of the past from ancient books seen in the library. Future is always anticipated! We dont know what is going to happen tomorrow!
Library card is a card of wisdom.Like how you keep credit cards for buying things, you should keep a library card for buying wisdom thro which you gain knowledge from the matter you read from the libraries.