Education has become one of the key factors in modern arena. Indeed it has become almost our daily wittles without which we could by a hairs breadth stand to lead a descent and healthy life. Indeed there is a maxim which states that without education there is no value. As a matter of fact everyone desires to be educated. More so even the state is also taking imperative steps to heighten the scale of literacy. Its good to see that people in contemporary world have understood that lacuna of education is detrimental not only for few individuals but for the entire society, which in turns also badly, affects the integral nation as a whole.
To gain eloquence over education it also becomes crucial for one to be well versed and conversant with various books. It must be borne in mind that books help to gain cognizance over various matters; be it history, sports, science or general knowledge. Such books can vastly be available be in library. It creates a platform for one to get himself well acquainted with knowledge in various walks of life. To elucidate it also helps for one to view multiple books on specific fields.
Another distinctive colour in the modern world is that it has become highly expensive and posh one. Thereby the cost of every item is escalating day by day. Like other commodities the price of books is also increasing on a high scale and it’s also not possible for individual to purchase every books. Library fulfills this vacant space. In modern arena one becomes a member of two or three libraries to quench his thirst of facts and queries. This is the most important reason why the emphasis of having a library should be spread all over the country. Without a doubt it can also be claimed that library enormously increases the importance of education. It possesses innumerable books and magazines, which are the ancestry of gathering information all over the globe. Moreover it comprises books on assorted subjects and so it becomes possible for one to gain knowledge on a wide range of subjects.
Modern family is marked with short family members, less space. Technically they are termed as “nucleated family”. Thereby they stay in flats where the lacuna of space is of prime concern. Where the deficit of space is of such a major concern one really can’t afford to keep books and magazines on large scales. A library that maintains books on large number can only decipher such problem. Then it need not be essential for one to preserve titanic books in his/her flat if the individual is attached to a library in his vicinity.
Another distinctive character about a library is that it is always ready to organize various events and competition like debate, painting, art competition, quizzes, extempore speeches and other cultural and Sanskrit events. The most unique feature about this, it binds people all over the neighborhood and helps to bring them under the same roof for a single day or days. Binding those persons under the same platform is given the prime weight rather than holding the competition for distributing prizes and medals. Undoubtedly this is a praise worthy feature about any library.
To confess I have to utter that various social institutions, schools, colleges, NGO’s, associations, clubs are also being helped immensely by the library in the locality. Either by a financial or by physical labour a good library is always ready to stretch out its hand for help. Indeed it is a very decisive cause in modern world. Probably not many have forgotten how different libraries in our countries provided aid to the victims of tsunami, or the besmirched people who were affected torrentially by the earthquake in Gujarat.
Another distinctive color that makes a library simply impeccable is because of the fact it contains books and magazines on various topics and diverse subjects. It eradicates monotony and does not permit ones mind to get bore over and over. So far I have come across lots of libraries and have viewed that it contains topics on multiple topics. Take for instance cinema, sports, literary activities so on and so forth. As a matter of fact it is also composed of various sections. Out of many I may name only few such as periodicals, weekly magazines, short stories, books based on research activities etc. that helps one to gain potency over all the domains of life.
In an age of competitiveness library has become not only an age of refreshment or entertainment, it has also become a great source of gathering information and facts all over the globe. And so it has become an ideal platform for researchers to get precarious facts and cognizance on their subject matters. In foreign countries like Japan, Russia, Australia, America library is considered to be the best place of study and collecting information. To encapsulate I should also make a point that libraries such as American Library, National Library, Oxford Library are a great source of collecting study materials for which India should be proud of. Hence most of the advanced countries like Japan, USA, Russia are giving their heart out to develop themselves especially in the field of libraries.
As the maxim goes “Drops of water makes an ocean, various books accumulated together at a single place formulate into a library”. A renowned writer has aptly remarked, “A home without books is like a house without windows, a society without library is a society without knowledge”.
Thus in modern age being a member at one or two libraries is not only essential but also indispensable. It almost appears prima facie that without library one is almost paralyzed. Especially for the life of students library has served a sigh of relief. Be it in schools or colleges enormous emphasis are being laid upon how to provide the students of modern generation with adequate information and facts in all walks of life. Libraries like “British Council”, “National Library” also provide free Internet facilities, which help the students to cherish their cognizance in diverse spheres. Apart from these multiple CD’s, DVD’s which make the subject all the more popular and interesting.
Following the words of Bacon “Books are the shrine where the saint is, or is believed to be”. H.W. Beecher also once commented, “Books are the windows through which the soul looks out”. Not only the modern world; past history does not show a negative picture about the enormous significance of books. Right from the inception of Alexander, Ashoka books had gained enormous importance by eminent and dignified personalities. Even during the moderate phrase (1885-1905) the spread of books were massively widespread through libraries and other local institutes. In a nutshell these libraries provided a basis through which eminent writers and dignified personalities exposed and blossomed their talent ness.
In rural facet the scale of libraries is really on a meager scale. To be honest hardly any libraries can be figured out. We should always try to keep an eye on maintaining good libraries with more than sufficient books within it.
Composed by: -
Saptarshi Dutt.
Tuesday, 23, 2006.