“A city wholesale bazaar, and the job market is no different than a*mandi” * read JOKER in the PACK, a book by two IIM alumni Ritesh Sharma and Neeraj Pahlajani.
This is a expeditious saga of turning dreams into reality told in a voguish way. It gives a profound look at the typical IIM life and how to deal with the state of affairs.
This is a story of typical Indian middle class mentality of making big and leading an utopian life. The swift tale starts with some devastated dreams and leads to the hidden sectors of revered IIM’s. The book shows us the life at IIM’s and inward view of MBA system.
Authors candidly describe the particulars of acridness, compromise and intricacies of IIM life. The storyshows a nasty truth about IIM’s which many would not like. This joyride depicts the journey of a middle class student graduating from a tier III engineering college and getting admission to the esteemed IIM Bangalore.
It illustrates the no-holds-barred competition, summer placements, clubs, annual business festival-Vista, IIMB exams and the final placement process.
You will surely enjoy the christening of MBA students at IIMB by their seniors. Authors have included an array of sentiments – enthusiasm, frustration, upheaval, ecstasy – that is an imperative part of MBA life.
Their comparison of job market with mandi is quite pertinent. “There are good deals on offer and bad deals on offer. Everyone, of course, wants the good deals but does not necessarily have all the resources to make that deal. Just like a normal human tummy can digest all vegetables, it is perfectly legitimate to assume that a normal IIM brain can excel in all kinds of jobs.” says author in the book.
A lot of abbreviations are used in the book likePGP’s, CC, CG, PPO that are very commonin IIM’s surely makes it a fast-paced narrative. Pragmatism, reminiscence andmortal factor to the character’s life is the quintessence of story. Authorskeep saying being good in studies, shaping a good career, living a respectfullife, whereas all that they actually wanted to say is ‘make money’. And thebest way to do that, for, them, was the ‘safe way’ of an MNC job.
The book also takes a meticulous look at the relativegrading, summers, elections and final placements. “Having access to everyseniors’ resume and getting to know the latest trends in what companies wantedin resumes – could prove helpful in the finals” shows the shrewd mind of atypical IIM student. You must be wondering about the bizarre name of the book“Joker in the Pack”, Protagonist sees himself as a joker amongst distinguishedaces and kings who had been the wild card who had fit into different combinationsas required and got the best deals possible for himself.
The authors have concoted a wholehearted story that is verylegible. I outright enjoyed reading this appealing authentic book.Unquestionably one of the masterpieces with which one can connect to. Icompleted the book in a short spell, once I started off with it, I simplystopped after finishing the very last page. The speck of satire and use ofdialect makes it a thought-provoking read. A must read for everyone whether ornot you are going to take a dive in MBA system. Just go for it, you will find it difficult to put down. Albeit it is a piece of fiction but true to reality.
Gauravv Jain