1. Do you have a very old and obsolete system, that your father bought during his college days, which could never run anything beyond DOS 6, Windows 3.x, 95 or likes?
2. Are you fed up of using unreliable pirated OS that is sluggish enough to give a slothest sloth a run for money; and lots of worm holes and no updates !!??
3. Your system runs resource hungry Vista or Win7 which you bought at a premium out of compulsion (bundled with system) and repenting ever since for not getting value for money ?
4. Or Expensive Mac system, which claims to be a status symbol like owner of a BMW X5” but in reality no better than “Tata Indica”.
5. Or you spend most of computing time (above 95%, like me) around internet, skype, word processors or spreadsheets.
Goodnews folks, waiting seems over, we have got a very good full fledged Operating System (OS) which is free yet very robust, fast, lite on the system (I noticed my laptops fan actually humming less, battery lasting longer). The name of this wonder OS is Jolicloud.
Oh boy! What a piece of amazing product. It is the ultimate unification of all goods of Microsoft-like-feel (as we are used to), Mac, Google, mobile apps and Linux. Actually this is a Linux Ubuntu based OS which tried to offer more user friendly (minus command line/terminal, optional), intuitive yet a secured and all-kind-of-hardwars supportive system and succeeded greatly. This is the only hope for people who still romanticizes with their old system and a lifeline for Netbook users who have hardware limitations & run ancient Win XP.
Why I started using:I use a good laptop (4gb ram, 350 gb hdd, C2D 2.5 Ghz, nvidia 512mb graphics, etc) but alas “Vista”, the creepiest OS humankind has ever witnessed. It is like you bought a Merc E-class Sedan fitted with Tata nanos engine. It takes more than 15 min. to boot. I switch on my laptop, then brush my teeth, take shower, have a couple of sandwiches, a cup of tea, by then only I can start anything (system updates/antivirus updates not yet ready). Fervent Anti-Microsoft feeling running high, those were the days. Then I came across tech. columnist Tushar Kanwars article on this new OS.
Installations:One can either install Jolicloud in the system or run from a pendrive (first one recommended). Installation is a cakewalk, just download/install/run a small client program which in turn would fetch everything else and install the OS. You get an option at the start of system to run either of Windows or Jolicloud. More interestingly, one can access windows files from within Jolicloud seamlessly and if one wishes to get rid of Jolicloud, just login to windows next time and from the all program menu uninstall the Jolicloud program and voila! You are back to your windows only system.
Experience:Jolicloud is developed for netbooks and other slower systems. But surprisingly it works as fine with most of the other advanced systems. This is the first cloud concept based OS in the market(even before Googles chrome) with next generation html5 support.
This is also one of a kind apps based OS having 600+ apps or so. It means one can have any kind software or application or apps as desired, all free. Be it photo/mp3 editor to vlc player to skype to movie-maker, it has all of them. Adding/removing apps is one-button-press job. Since everything is cloud computing based, heavily web browserbased, system runs smoothly and securedly without crashing, nomatter how many apps are open (well, almost). Did I say it can run windows softwares too with the help of another third party free apps called Wine?
The experience is really excellent. System boots up in just a minute.Youtube videos are pretty seamless , no frequent buffering circle.No annoying background programs running. Skype video/audio call qualities are crystal clear, no more grainy video. Internet downloads are pretty fast, compared to that of my windows OS (same system config., net speed)
Conclusion:Actually I am nowadays spending more than 99% of my computing time onJolicloud (if not 100%). I do not see any reason to go back to Microsoft any sooner or any system upgradation for that matter. What for? We Indians are very smart; earlier we used pirated proprietary softwares when Microsoft tried to capture bigger marketshare, thus ignoring piracy (willingly or unwillingly) to make people used to Windows system, and now when they are trying to tighten the nooses knot by closing all doors on pirated Windows products, we have options. We spent money, bought computer and thats enough. Why the heck should we have to pay for OS?