Although Indias caste system was officially abolished over 50 years ago, discrimination is still widespread. The Dalits are often forbidden from using the same religious temples, living in the same areas and marrying into the families of the countrys upper castes. Women are also often the victims of sexual abuse by the upper castes but stand little chance of getting justice. Caste system is asocial practise in India, that came to existence for the benefit of the society. But the system has been abused by people. Hindus are more in India, so you see it more.
I have known Christian and Muslims who don’t treat low caste people well. Also, Allah "never" discriminated people with caste. Infact, Rama was born in Warrior caste, Parasurama was born in Brahmin caste and Krishna completely lived in a low caste! Don’t blame Hinduism for the mistake of Hindus. Another wicked, cunning, vicious and hypocrite Brahmin try to fool us with his logic. Do you remember you and your mother took bath just seeing and touching a Dalit.
Is your holy cow holier than Dalit. I am born as a Brahmin and I agree. But ultimate criminals are Brahmins even today. Dont worry, they will get back to you soon. Whole world knows how Hindus are deceptive with our arguments and logic and not honest about it. You know Hindu Gods(Rama, Krishna and many sages) practiced caste system and they are referred by their caste. Have you seen Dalits begging and eating(rotten left-over) outside(not allowed inside) the Hindu temples?
Is nothing to do with Hinduism? Varna racism is not only confined to villages, its also rampant in towns and cities, albeit in less cruder forms. Life is difficult even for educated urban Dalits who are constantly ridiculed and harassed by caste Hindus. The irony is Dalits have never been Hindus, their religious traditions are far removed from those of the caste Hindus. They just have to stop accepting their slavery imposed by caste Hindus by taking the help of the world community.
The caste system is based on skin colour. When the Aryans invaded in India they want to keep their race pure thus the caste system was invented. Also this why man Brahmins look very European while those of the warrior class have more of a Turko-Semitic features. Do to their intermarriage with Huns and Arabs and they form the second highest. perhaps India and not Europe is the mother of racism. Hitler himself used the Vedas as a guide.
Islam is the only freedom for the Dalits from this oppression. Dalits who convert to Islam said they preferred this religion. Because it emphasised equality and brotherhood, which they missed in their earlier religion. Islam also gave them dignity, which they never knew as Hindus. but they want to because in Islam everyone is treated equally.