Mother Teresa was a true soul who dedicated her whole life servicing for sick and poor. She never cared about cast, creed, religion and treated everyone as a child of God.
Early Life:
Mother Teresa was born in Albania in the year 1910. Her childhood name was Agnes. When she was only eight years old, his father passed away the next world. After this, the entire responsibility of upbringing came over to her mother. She was youngest of 5 siblings. Along with her studies, she loved to sang.
India Arrival:
Sister Teresa came to Calcutta, India in May 1931. She began working as a teacher however the widespread poverty of Calcutta made a deep impression on her and this led her to start a mission " The Missionaries of Charity". The prime objective of this mission was to look after the people who didnt have no one to look after them. She helped sick and suffering people of many faiths and nationalities and shared her spirit of prayer and simplicity. In 1981, Mother Teresa also began the Corpus Christ movement for Priests as a little way of holiness those who desire to share in her charism and spirit.
Awards and Recognition:
She received a number of awards and distinctions beginning with the Indian Padmashri Award in 1962 and notably the Noble Peace prize in 1969 honored her work for the Glory of God in the name of poor.
Last Days:
The whole of Mother Teresas life and labour witness to joy of loving and caring the dignity of every human. On March 13, 1997 she stepped down from the head of Missionaries of Charity and on September 1997, Mother Teresas earthly life came to an end when she took her last breath. She was given the honour of State funeral by the government of India and her body was build in Mother house of Missionaries of Charity.
I would say such a soul can never die. She still lives in our heart "Mother of Humanity - The Great Mother Teresa"