This website is currently owned by my friend Sameer. He helped me in writing the review. He just told me about the site and history and I wrote it . This site is currently under construction. So please visit it after a month.
Joypad Junkies was planned by Mr. Newton, a resident of England, United Kingdom. He was a hardcore gamer and he wanted to make a small gaming website which would feature reviews, downloads, articles, cheats and much more. He first started designing the site himself, but due to lack of time and skills, he decided to get some help from his mates but that didnt help either. So he decided to spend some money and hired a proffessional web-designer to get the job done.
He started adding some content, like Reviews, Cheats etc himself but it was extremely difficult to do it all alone. So Mr. Newton decided to get some staff members. After a searching for a long time on the web, Mr. Newton finally got 4 staff members. These 4 staff members were @ngel, Swinny, Rosewarrior and Sameer.
Mr. Newton, along with the staff members, started adding loads of content everyday. And within two months, they had accomplished something which huge companies with over thousand staff members couldnt. There were more than 200 reviews, more than 2000 cheats and much more in just two months. Joypad Junkies eventually became one of the favourite sites of gamers all around the world. Its user friendly-ness, neat and eye-catching design, useful content made it a lot different from other gaming websites.
At the time of planning the site, Mr. Newton never expected the site to get this popular. Hits increased to two thousand visitors a day in a few weeks. The server which the site was hosted on provided only 15 gb of bandwith, so Mr. Newton had to purchase a dedicated server. More and more content was being added, and hits were increasing day by day. Security became a major issue due to the large number of visitors. Four members were not enough to monitor the forums, and other parts of the site. So Mr. Newton decided to get more staff.
This time Mr. Newton couldnt get anyone willing to work for free, so he decided to spend a little more money on their wages. Things were going smooth but something unexpected happend in mid 2003. There was an organized attack on the website by a group of proffessional hackers. The site was defaced. Rumors began to spread. The media was saying that the Joypad Junkies, Inc. did the attack themselfs to gain some attention, however, Mr. Newton made a press release which had lots of details about the attack.
After several weeks of re-uploading the data and re-designing the scripts in a more secure manner, the site was up again. However, due to the publicity Joypad Junkies gained after the media coverage of the hacking attempts, the number of hits was unbelieveable: Over 5000 visitors a day!
Several people started copying content from Joypad Junkies and used it at their own sites which was illegal. So Mr. Newton got a legal copyright of all content belonging to Joypad Junkies in the fall of 2003. It became a very difficult task for the staff to handle the site. There were just 10 people operating a site which gets 5000+ visits a day.
So Mr. Newton did some planning. Mr. Newton thought of opening a small online shop which would sell some Playstation products. The shop went online in 2004. Mr. Newton got lots of revenue from the shop, however, the online shop was hacked and was totally destroyed. All transactions and credit card numbers were lost. Several users filed lawsuits against Mr. Newton for organized credit card theft.
Mr. Newton got away with the false lawsuits scratch free because there was lots of evidence which proved the lawsuits wrong. Mr. Newton then purchased a floor of a building based in London which would be used as an office for Joypad Junkies. He purchased a legal patent for Joypad Junkies and made it an Incorporated company in order to avoid similar attacks in the future. Mr. Newton then decided that Joypad Junkies would build its own software and customized PCs. So he hired some programmers and proffessional hardware technicians in London. The office was set up and started running in February 2004. However, due to personal and financial reasons, Mr. Newton resigned as the President of Joypad Junkies, Inc. and gave the title to a staff member, Sameer.
Mr. Sameer became the official president of Joypad Junkies, Inc. in June, 2004. Mr. Sameer made a few changes in the staff during August. He fired the whole set of programmers and hired a new set of proffessional programmers. Mr. Sameer was recognized by the leading gaming websites like IGN and Gamespot, and hence, he easily made them their official partners who would have shares. The company went under huge financial loss due to over-spending on expenses in June. This lead Mr. Sameer to fire the Financial manager and hire the former Financial Manager of Gamespot - Mr. Robert Cruz.
By the end of June, Mr. Sameers administration had successfully established. The new financial manager made improvements in the financial status, and by the end of July, the company became financially stable.
Joypad Junkies, Inc. finally started its projects. The first project was The Ultimate Gamer and work finally began by the end of July and is still going on. Mr. Sameer made his first press release which said that the company was financially stable and better than before. He said that The Ultimate Gamer will be a super-pc designed especially for Gaming with its own custom built hardware and software.
Joypad Junkies, Inc. recieved a huge gift from its official partners IGN and Gamespot in August. Two complete buildings which could be used by the JJ staff for absolutely no cost! Mr. Sameer then hired more staff and eventually Joypad Junkies became a real company. Mr. Sameer made WholeSale Mods, Inc. as the companys official supplier and then opened two shops, again, financially supported by the partners, in the UK. These shops sell gaming products and bring in a huge amount of revenue to the company.
The company is still going strong and lots of gamers are anxiously waiting for new products! Lets see whats ahead in the future of this great company.