3 Years with Jpmorgan Mumbai.
Total Exp: 12 Yrs
Designation: Associate 602
Tough ride! No job security.-
JP is an extremely top heavy organization. People respond to mails only if they have to and if its directed from a senior person.
- My main reason of joining was Hoping its biggest bank the job is safe. But frequent layoffs without any reason is very common thing. Infact that is the most disturbing part now a days I have seen here they are simulatenously hiring and fring within same team and people are let go for no reason! specially the new people who join I have known personlly are asked to leave just after an year or two.-
If you actually see work it is doable but the process and too much of hierarchy makes the envitonment extreme pressure on you. So small changes requires huge explanation.- Technology dont work well in top heavy it needs to be flat hierarchy.
When I joined I reported to ED. Now the hierarchy has been brought so much that reporting to same level. so you can imagine.
In captive banks the main thing is work environment which I believe is worst here if I compare to other top IBs that I have worked with like Goldman, Nomura .
You cant question your mgr or their mgrs although they gave nice speeches in meetings and townhalls but trust me never do that they will put u in silo projects where you will end up frustrated and resign urself.
Very less onsite travel and if there I tell you never agree to go on week or two to US or UK. They will send you in business clas but thats it they dont give you any money nothing they mke you stay at shitty place and you will be fighting with accounts team for month for reimbursements! This happened with me on my visit to UK that was the most horrible onsite I ever had. and mgr ask you to provide everyday details of minutes of what you do while on onsite like they have done something magical.for.u sending u to onsite. Now at onsite they give you a corporate card but policy is you cannot swipe it anywhere for personal use and the cash withdrawal is blocked as u reach so it took a week to enable that by that I had spent all from my pocket. The per diem they tell you is all miscellaneous when you come back they said approvals are not there and all and you are like bloody hell I had gone and spent from my pocket! Even the visa application and cans all gone from ur own pocket initially. You do work and do all the travel arrangements urself visa tkts/ currency / hotel / insurance / cabs everything and meanwhile most importantly the 9 to 9 shift at onsite as in the morning u will cover India team meetings and in the evening u will spent time with onsite team members for kt or meetings u r sent for. So double the work. own spendings mental torture !