Once happened to take up their service for a hair cut and facial. The facade of the outlet look good and I thought to step in for their salon service, hoping to get a good service. I did not know I was heading into a big disappointment that day. The first thing I noticed on enterring their premise is how bad and untidy the place was. It has not been cleaned the previous day and I could see fallen hairs around some of the corners. The hair stylist there asked me to take a seat and proceeded with the haircut and was done in about forty five minutes. When I took a look at the mirror I was not happy with the hair cut either. I had specifically instructed the hari stylist to go for a medium cut, but he rather made his own choice and made my hair too short. The facial service that I took there was quite expensive, but the results were only about average and the results did not last long either. My verdict about this store is they should not charge such a high amount for the average services they are offering to their customers.