The crux of the movie revolves around the rise of an actress in the movie industry. The Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment exposed the abject grime and exploitation of the glamour world and Julie 2 hammers home the point that a girl cannot make it big in the industry with talent alone. Raai Laxmi who has been an actress for more than a decade in the south Indian film industry makes her debut in Bollywood. She has an arresting screen presence but the script of the movie lets her down. Director Deepak S Shivdasani beautufully weaves the film from the fictional tale of the rise of a woman star in cinema and turns it into an erotic thriller. The protagonist gives in to the demands of the casting couch and though the character Julie initially resists, she eventuallycompromises. The dialogues are reminiscent of the90s masala flicks and even the dance numbers reminds you of the sequences of a bygone era. All in all the movie is entertaining and definitely an eye-opener considering a slew of similar events happening around the entertainment industry today. Watch it for its message.