Everyone is compelled to think about so much sex scenes when one hears its name. And when they go for this, nothing like that happens. I also thought that this movie is gonna be another hate story. But it totally disappointed me. Even sex scenes is not praise worthy. Movie has a very bewildered story. Director and all have put a great efforts in making it a sex cum thriller, detective based movie. But seems everything just a waste. Movie starts with a shooting scene of a movie which is going to be based on autobiography of savitri devi. And soon julie is shot with bullets in a jewellery shop. She is admitted into hospital. Although there is very little hope of her to come out alive. Police start investigations and find a lot of horrible things. This concludes revealing of many secrets. Many underworld Don are bring in light. Later on they find truth about Julies life. She had slept with each and every directors, producers and the people who wanted to be in bed with her of film line. She had agreed to that because due to that she was on the top in film industry. Again she had seen very bad times before thats why she became like that.
Acting is as worst as it could be. Songs are as unpleasant as this movie is. Ravi kishans role is also not praise worthy. Also his motive remains unidentified. He only wants to be in film industry and he can do anything to maintain his reputation. Overall this movie is not so successful as it could be. Also julie doesnt recover. A memory chip reveals all the truths consequently pankaj tripathi is found guilty and he is shot to death. This movie just eats our brain, which irritates us. Hate this a lot.