It is between the Pan Tapri and the sugarcane juice slow down in view of this there are numerous flies and there is smoke too.and you cant gripe about this to anybody. In the event that you are extremely eager and wand to quit starving and offer backing to your unfilled stomach then this is great spot on the off chance that you couldnt care less about the cleanliness.
Discussing the flavor, I would say the nourishment was bad or not awful, it was normal, but rather when contrasted with cash it is extremely costly.and as of late they have diminished their burger(Vadapav) size.When they serves you sustenance I didnt see they warm it.Most of the time I got burger at room temperature only.I let him know each time then they warm it tad bit.
The amount of the sustenance is bad and quality is not that awesome. As I effectively said on the off chance that you couldnt care less in regards to cleanliness then let it all out, This is open place so not an extensive feel is there.They play some boolywood music all the time.The staff is great, I dont have any issue with that.The rate of administration is additionally decent.
There is not table and seat for seating, so no point desires the reservation.