I will not lie at all I have not shopped from this site as was not aware of it .I always go for online shopping. As my schedule is very busy. I purchased recently this tab from HOME SHOP 18 and was proudly showing to my colleges but when one of my friend showed me the price of same tab on your site I was surprised and shocked too .
i immediately compared all my online shopped product I was totally shocked to see that I could save more than 4000 per month .O MY GOD .such a good site how I missed now I am your permanent customer. I not only buy from your site but will recommend to all my near and dear ones .
This tab is really worth buying if you r buying from junglee .com, it is more than worth as you are getting amazing discount too.
Its beautiful, useful, classy and easy to use I m proud to be a part of JUNGLEE.COM and this tab love you both.
So friends, go for shopping on junglee !!!