Juno walks the thin line between being light or ridiculous, between being frank or vulgar and comes out on tops. Despite knowing that this is a run of the mill movie about teenage pregnancy, you not only enjoy it but also find the characters endearing. I expect Juno to be a major hit as and when it hits the multiplexes in India.
In a nutshell this is a movie about a high school girl Juno finding herself nine weeks pregnant and how she deals with it. From informing her shocked parents and the father of the baby to finding the right adoptive family to getting ultrasounds done, Juno handles them all in her easygoing manner. She deals with the heartburn, ballooning stomach and babys kicks as a matter of fact.
You feel it flows from her father and stepmother who would have preferred her expelled or into drugs rather than pregnant. But they are caring enough to accept her decisions and mature enough to help her deal with various milestones. it is endearing the way her stepmother goes with her for the ultrasound, fits elastic band on her jeans and argues with the technician when she judges Juno. Her parents are supportive without being preachy.
Characters are irreverent about their sensitive situation but never unloving towards each other.
Juno is such a cool geek. Shes a sharp witted teenager who marches to her own drummer. Ellen Page puts that spunk, that spark in the way she talks, walks, eats, everything. You can feel Junos individuality and that makes her even more appealing. Its not as if she doesnt have her fears, fights or tears, she is real and refreshingly unpretentious about it. Kudos to Page!
Michael Cera and Olivia Thirlbys is an authentic teenage performance. As the prospective adopters Garner and Bateman bring their own concerns as well as complexes. Junos first visit to check them out is a case in point.
The movie is filled with witty dialogue, though some might be a bit suggestive for Indian palate. Written by stripper-turned-blogger Diablo Cody, Juno crackles with
razor-sharp dialogue throughout, to the point where every character
talks like theyre in the funniest sitcom ever made.(I thought Diablo was a man till I saw her photo online;). Theres a lot of slang, some real some invented and lends the real touch to the characters. By the way she won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.
Director Jason Reitman deftly ensures that this comedy doesnt become ridiculous or a farce. The music is wonderful, you will love the soundtrack.
Oscar nominations: best picture, best director, best actress, best original screenplay(won)
BAFTA: best original screebplay among others
1 It was the highest-grossing film of all five Best Picture Oscar nominees(2008).
The hamburger phone in the movie is owned by the writer, Diablo Cody.
The writer Diablo Cody is a stripper turned blogger, her blog isThe P Ranch
The original title of the film was going to be Junebug but was changed so it would not be confused with the 2005 Amy Adams film of the same name. in many scenes Junos parents lovingly call he Junebug.
There was a Korean movie by the name Juno Jenny on the theme of teenage pregnancy. But the similarities ended with names and theme. The guy was Juno and the girl Jenny and no neither of the Junos* inspired* the other one;)
Tip: Watch it without expectations and go with the flow;). Best with friends considering the amount of slang