Hello everyone,
Today I am going to share you my personal review and opinion about Jurassic Park – the movie. The movie came into the screens in 1993. Directed by Steven Spielberg.
Dinosaur was introduced to us for the first time and it became a viral worldwide and create a gross market of around 900 million USD.
I was just a 6 years aged boy when I saw it for the first time in the Cinema Hall. Later it turns me on every time, when I have seen it, till now the movie is one of the best I have seen.
Cinematography was superb compared by today’s, in 93 this type of cinematography found in very less movies. The roaring of T-Rex still remembered to me, sound quality and mixing is tremendously great.
Now I will tell you about the story of the movie, which is likely best from my side. The characters of ALAN(dad), Rex(daughter) & Tim(son) gave me the real thrilling all the time. Super story and the park shown in the movie well-constructed before shooting.
The movie achieved 39 awards for several categories and nominated 25 times up to date.
So, here is my review completed and hope you find it interesting. If you didn’t watch it till now then it’s a must watch. All-time favorite, I will see it again and again-for lifetime.