Jurassic Park was Jurassic Park.Jurassic World left far behind in the race of cloned dinosaurs.
The park reopens after 22 years and they made another genetic mutated monster Indominus Rex. The Indominus Rex is more intelligent then is predecessors and more lethal. One fine day it sets himself loose from the confinement and start killing everyone and for the 100th time in row our hero(Chris Pratt) saves the world and this time he had some helping hand from the Raptors.
I personally have a nostalgic connection with Jurassic Park because it was my first film on big screen, I paid 3 rs for ticket and today I paid 200 rs to watch this crap in 3D.yes you can understand the rate of inflation in last 20 years. There was nothing called thrilling moment in the whole film. Story seems older then the T Rex, graphics and visuals are just average, there was nothing much for the actors to perform and what is wrong with Irfan Khan, why is taking some 2 minutes stupid roles in Hollywood action flicks, his acting skills deserves much better roles.
Over all watch it for the love of Jurassic park but without much expectations.