I am a subscriber of Just Books in Bangalore.
We have a Just Books store within our complex and I use it regularly. My experience with them so far has been very pleasant. I especially like the automated way of issuing and returning books, where you do not have to wait for checkouts or checkins.
Though my store is small, the range of books available throughout the chain is fantastic. If any book is not available at your store, you can reserve a book from any other store and they will get it to your store and notify you. The range covers the entire gamut of fiction, non-fiction, childrens books etc.
There may be specific tastes that are not available but is usually procured on request though you may have to wait a while.
One thing you have to keep in mind is that since the books are RFI-enabled, the covers are specially made and you have to ensure that it is in good shape when you check it out or point it out to them. If it is not returned in good shape, they might charge a fee.
The reading charges are reasonable and there are a variety of plans available to suit different families.
I encourage people to join them.