JD is indeed very useful when one is searching for a particular type of suppliervor service provider in an area. However, the moment you want to post an uncomplimentary review of a supplier/ provider registered with it, JD goes into overdrive to protect it.
To illustrate, I had posted a negative review of a local interior designer cum contrsctor avoid about 3 years ago. She had been taking us for a ride and out to fleece us. My review was in a very civil and parliamentary language, though laced with liberal doses if sarcasm.
I promptly got a call from JD asking me what had gone wrong and offering to set up a conference call with her and me and to mediate between us. I ticked the caller off saying I looked at JD as an information provider, not as a mediator or arbiter.My review was promptly removed by JD.
I had a not very satisfying experience this month with a travel agent for Bhutan from the Indian side of the border. I found a single 5 star review without a narration. The review wasobviously artificial. I uploaded a 3 star review enlisting her pluses as well as minuses, though the minuses far exceed the pluses. My review has not been published even two days after uploading.
I posted the same review again yesterday bit ir is yet to see the light of the day.