JUSTDIAL.COM is a popular search service provider or Locator which provide you the information about the address or location or information about the product via SMS, PHONE, MAIL.Justdial is a search engine where you can get the exact address of your local or any information about a perticular product by means of sms or mail for example HOSPITALS, EXAM CENTERS, GROSERRY SHOP, RESTAURANTS, MOVIES, HOTELS and many more.Its a best solution if you struck somewhere and coudnt find out the way just call to JUSTDIAL .COM.They have a specific no for each state or you can call to their universal number.
First time I used this website when I struck in chennai in search of my EXAM CENTER.I am completely new to this place and I really dont know anything about CHENNAI and my exam centre is 25km away from chennai central railway station.I searched my exam center in GOOGLE but Google failed to give the exact location as with the same center name so many similar schools are available and only pin code is different.Some are higher secondary school for boys and some are higher secondary school for girls with the same center name and its really very CONFUSING.I am really confused and one of my friend suggest me to call to JUSTDIAL.COM.I called to them on the number provided by my friend and asked about the exact location and address.They simply replied to my query in phone and also sent me a sms.In my point of view sometimes JUSTDIAL knows local places better than GOOGLE.It is the best website in this genre.They are very much worried and care about your queries and replied to you instantly.Their website interface is very easy to use and very simple.
You can get the information about your query instantly.
They are very responsive as they give you the exact location and address with phone number.
Knows your local places better than google.
You can find the Hotels, restaurent, shopping mall in your locality
movies timing ant theatre information