Justice league is definitely a watch irrespective to what some critics have been posting online. It work in certain place and it kept me engaged throughout. Ben afflect has played his part really well and has matured a lot from the batman we saw in bvs. Aquaman, cybory and flash have equal screen space.gal gadot is wonderful and gorgeous as wonder women. The movie has all the essence of a superhero flick, the larger than life characters, humour etc. I loved the action the action sequence involving the amazonians, atlantans and .fighting alongside with steppenwolf. Having said this, I still feel that dc has not been able to master the art of making their movies right-barring wonder women of course. The movie lacks characterisation. While it is understood that wb wanted this movie to be under 2hrs, it feels like they were in a hurry to end the movie. I was highly disappointed with steppen wolf. Darksied had no reference other than just one which was a little disappointing. In my opinion jl should have been made after the standalone movie of aquaman, flash and cyborg were released just like what the mcu did with the avengers. But overall this movie is a good watch.