After Death of Superman( Jenry Cavill) Bruce wayne( Ben Affleck) assemble a team with the help of Diana Prince aka Wonder woman( Gal Gadot) they find Barry allen aka Flash( Ezra Miler) Aquaman( Jason Momoa) and Victor aka Cyborg( Ray Fisher) they want to save their world from Stepwolf, stepwolf want to destroy world with some trunks, Bruce wayne know very well his team is not capable to to defeat stepwolf they need superman, And yes He tried to rewoke superman again, Will Bruce and his team Defeat Stepwolf and his evil force will they save earth from them?
Director Zack Snyder did great job his direction was superb, and all actors impressed with their marvelous performance When Superman Lives again that moment was too good.
Amazing Graphics and cinematography by zack snyder.
Conclusion- Dont Miss it friends.