I am studing in klu since 2 years that means I am now studying 2nd year in klu, at starting of my btech I thought this is collage is best collage for me by seeing the beauty of the collage but it is not suffucient for btech
studies is most important in btech
here in klu we are just gaining marks but no knowledge is gained, here we have 4 internal tests for 1 semester that is
for every one month we are having one internal test, a normal student canot ready to attemp that test so to pass the test he try to copy or he just remember the anwers just be reading night before exam, then we can gain marks but no knowledge is gained
when we go for maintanence, here in klu they are all just what to collect fine from students
they are collecting fines for every thing even if we didt talk in english they collect fine, I think when iam in primary school I saw collecting fines for not talking in english
not only for talking in english, if we found some where in collage at class hours they collect fines, and for not wearing id card, shoes, inshirt and for wearing tshirts
here when they want to update collage facilities or want to built more other buildings they just make out questions papers tough and just detain students because every detained student should pay 15000 more to continue his btech other than studies we cant see other activities in klu, they will conduct some but about 70% students dont no about it, only we have I cultural event in 1year
so I recommend not join klu blindly, if you are joining you should ready for the circumstances