Shoutout to the DMK government and Tamil Nadu department of health, please seal this hospital and question the doctors and staff for credibility. Start a formal investigation. Save patients and people from getting killed.
List of doctors who need to be probed for fraud and malpractice:
Dr. M. Balaji
Dr. Aarti
Dr. Vayali
Dr. Reka
Calling these above people “Doctor” Is a disgrace to the profession.
This nursing home is run by fake doctors who didn’t really study proper medicine. Don’t risk your life by going to this hospital. They will KILL you.
This happened to my friend’s dad this month. He was killed by this hospital.
My friend’s dad was 52, he had no underlying conditions and was generally a healthy and fit person. He tested covid+ve at the beginning of May. Since we couldn’t find any hospitals nearby to treat him. We decided to admit him here, given this was the only option we had.
His o2 levels, BP, and every other vital was perfectly normal. He had an only fever and all my friend wanted at this moment was some early treatment to protect his father.
The hospital admitted him and charged 2 Lakh rupees in total. No receipt was given. He was not provided basic amenities like a mask, oxygen meter, food, or care.
Random nurses would come in few times daily to administer random injections(mostly antibiotics and steroids). They administered antibiotics and steroids more than what was needed. His stomach and food pipe suffered due to this. To worsen things, his o2 level was dropping since the hospital didn’t monitor or administer any medicines sensibly to treat covid.
His condition worsened in a span of 2 days from being perfectly healthy to struggling to breathe. At this point, the hospital started giving oxygen. The so-called fake doctors never showed once to monitor or console the patient or his family. They kept taking money for medicines and never provided any receipt.
After 2 days, his o2 level has dropped to 70. At this point, the hospital administration started to tell his family to discharge him from the hospital because he is critical. They do this to any patient. If you are covid positive and hale and healthy, you will be admitted, charged a 2 lakh admission fee, and given steroids and random injections. Once your condition worsens they will start giving you pressure to push you out of the hospital.
In spite of my friend’s family requesting and begging to provide him oxygen and treatment, he was thrown away from the hospital after merely 2 days of unprofessional treatment that worsened his vitals.
Friend’s family scrambled to find an ambulance to move his dad to a different hospital. After all this ruckus, dad passed away as soon as they moved him to another hospital. The hospital they moved to said, he was administered too much medicine and overdosed and basically his entire digestive tract and throat were damaged on top of covid’s impact.
During discharge, the hospital provided a discharge letter claiming the patient was covid negative. Ridiculous.