KAABIL It is a very good movie. Hrithik Roshan played a very good role of a blind hero. In this movie Hero and Heroine both are blind. They loves each other and married.
They are very happy from their life. But after merriage heroine named Suur being raped by two bad fellow. Who is belonged to Politicians background. And Heroine Surr admitted suiside. So Hrithik Roshan is taking revenge for his wife suiside.
Full movie is on Hrithik revenge. In this movie story director shows that how blind man is taking revenge from a big poitician. In this movie Blind hero have a good piece of mind.
This is a very good movie. The cast performaces is also very excellent. All the cast shows very good effort for his performance. The music and songs are also very good. Cinemagraphy and Sound track is very good.
I like this movie very much. Very good movie in all respect. Very good acting by casts. I like the song KABIL HUUN very much. .