Kaabil movie is an experimental movie by Hrithik Roshan.hrithik is one of the best stardum heros in present genaration.actually movie is getting some average talk.but most of audience didnt like to see main roles death in movies.but in this movie heroin hanged herself thats way some people disappointed about it. Come to story both hero and heroin are blind.they get married and leading a happy life.heroin is looking very beautiful so some of villain are want to rape her.because of blindness she cant escape.they both raped her.hero and heroin try for some legal support but unfortunately they cant get any support. Actually the brother of victim who raped the heroin is a political guy.so he easily escape his brother from legal issues.hero get tired of this and just want to forgot about what was happens.but they are raped again in some day.So heroin get emotionally upset and hanged her self. Hrithik dont want to get revenge.The remains story is how he get jestified or take revenge is all about.but because of blindness story get suspence at some point.average one