Never knew ... We ll get to see the 4th sequel so soon.
The producers of the hollywood version might just be playing around with the sripts where as we have Sohum, karan johar and Shahrukh Khan who have managed to pull off one.. totally Indian ishtyle.
The spoofs include : - Bhoot, The ring and some teenage thriller movies we so often get to see on star movies and HBO.
The story goes : - There is a group of friends ( Vivek, Lara and party ) and a couple from national geographic ( John and Esha) visting the Corbett err.. Orbit National Park for various reasons ( Vivek etc for vactaion and John and Esha for investagiting the recent killings of tourists allegedly by Tigers in the national park) ... and what happens next is one by one they start dying.
In between once when the group is surrounded by Tigers local boy Ajay devgan comes and save them and later promises to help them escape from the jungle.
Pros :- Good Camera Work, Intersting climax ??
Cons :- Except the ending the script is a bit predictable. This could have been ignored but the director tries to play april fool all along the movie. He generates some thrill but then we come to know that there was nothing to be feared about...e.g.
In one sequence Viveks friend goes for hunting rabbits without informing the group. Suddenly when he is near a lake a hand approaches from the side towards his face. We wonder who it could be ?? Ajay ? Vivek?? who?? Guess what ... Its the guy himself who has raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face.
This is just one of the so may sequences.
The background music also is a bit irritating at times. So many time it is too loud and movie tries to scare us just by the help of sound only. It seems that the whole idea was to scare the audience rather than showing actaully scaring scenes.
If you know the suspense there is hardly any thing to watch the movie for.