blue disco lights [ symbolising illusioned atmosphere], shankar mahadevans haunting vocals, PREITY and ABHISHEK enjoying on one side, their spouses making love on the another, and the song goes... WHERES THE PARTY TONIGHT ? SOMEWHERE DOWN THE ROAD ! WHERES THE PARTY TONIGHT ? ON THE DANCE FLOOR ! POOR KANK haters, couldnt understand such a nice symbolic shot. if two people are unhappy with their marital life, and to add to it meet a person whom they wanted their spouses to be like, they are sure to forget their true identity for a while.
okay, DEV and MAYA were wrong, but so were RISHI and RHEA. [ to an extent ]If some think they were not, then they will have to agree that RHEA and RISHI were too good for their spouses.poor KANK haters they will understand AMITABH BACHCAHNs frustration in ABHIMAAN. but they wont pay heed to DEV SARANs anger bcoz it was played by SHAH RUKH KHAN. poor KANK haters when AMITABH and REKHA in SILSILA go out of their marriage to re-kindle their relation, they call it ROMANCE.when SHAH RUKH and RANI do the same, they call them HEARTLESS.
poor KANK haters they sympathise with ABHISHEK and PREITY, who as much as they may have loved RANI and SHAH RUKH in the movie, remind them of their weaknesses [ which is only but natural ], and then complain later, "YOU NEVER LOVED ME AT ALL" poor KANK haters they dont notice the common habits of arrogant people like DEV who are always keen to strike a conversation or give advices to any tom, dick or harry, let alone a pretty soon-to-be-bride.poor KANK hatersthey dont understand the fact that DEV and MAYA didnt break their marraige, they just forgot their marital responsibilities for a while and followed their heart for what KARAN JOHAR portrayed as TRUE LOVE.
poor KANK haters they dont understand that DEV and MAYA tried to make amends for their mistakes. who didnt let that happen were RHEA and RISHI were equally imperfect who called for divorce after not being able to bear the infidelity their spouses had been doing with them. poor KANK haters they must have been living in their IVORY TOWERS f or years before they came out to watch KANK.reasons :# they dont meet people like MAYA who is dull, boring, but sensitive.
Who married out of obligation but cant afford a child-like [ read it as childish ] husband like RISHI.# they **dont meet parents like DEV who want their children to carry their profession.but SRK will be panned for doing the same bcoz the film in case is KABHI ALVIDA NA KEHNA. # they dont read newspapers which keep up coming with reports that PARENTS beat their childen to death just bcoz they failed in an exam. but SRK is blamed for being so harsh to his son just bcoz the movie in case is KABHI ALVIDA NA KEHNA. # they dont meet people like DEV who are angry for their wife is the bread-winner of the house.
more so, considering the fact that he deserved much more than a primary school football coach.okay, KANK was deliberately glamorised and fashioned for N.R.I.s okay, KANK had a slightly weak scriptingokay, KANK dragged a lil bit towards the climax but...that lessen KARAN JOHARs credibility in handling the subject. the only mistake JOHAR really did is while writing SEXY SAMs character. that character should have retained to a casual flirt.never mind, karan ! keep making such films, as long as u think u r right !