Well well I was really under the false notion that 2006 was going to be a year without any boring films releasing in the bollywood , , , , , , first that fanaa that should have had been manaa, there was so much dam controversy related to the dam well I exactly dont remember the name , , , but whatever it was I saw the movie for about two very boring hours of my life and saw nothing even near enogh to a dam , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
oh I am sorry I was supposed to be talking about kank well firstly why does that good for nothing johar has to keep so long names for his movies , , well I dont know what happened to me that day when I went to the theater with my friends to add 2 more boring hours to my life, , , , , , , , , , well I paid 100 bucks for sitting in those uncomfortable seats at the theater moreover was compelled to sit and nearly get killed because of that boring kank , , , , , , , , those two hours really took a big chunk out of me, , , , , , , becaz I was never the same again my sense of hum our was greatly affected, , , , , , , phoo I mean is it mandatory for this johar guy to bore us indians well compared to this movie krrish was amazingly cool even though the storyline wasnt good enough, , , and rani muk.....ji she looks so horrible even with pounds of makeup on , man she is an eyesore and to watch her on the big screen is ..............................................
some useful hints to avoid boredom
1.never watch johars films
2.never see rani without makeup(well she is good but she should take more aged roles now)
- never go to a theatre where the chairs are broken
4.read the films review before rushing of to see it