Hi Friends,
Initially when the movie released I had made up my mind that I would not write review on this movie as there were many of our friends who had written their review and from many different angles too but what makes me write this review today is for the character which most of the people and the media thinks was one of the not so significant characters of the movie that of (Rhea)Priety Zinta .May be this character stuck to my mind more than anybody elses because she represented most of the new generation women and the dilemma they live in . Hence I would not go in detail review of the movie considering the main protagonist Maya(Rani Mukherji) and Dev(Shahrukh Khan) but that of the Rhea.
The movie begins showing Dev as a famous footballer worth a 5 million dollar contract who is talking to his wife over the phone upset about his wife not attending his important match .Agreed she should make it to the match but considering she is married to the guy since 5 years now and still is not stable in her own career we should understand her desperation to go for the job interview she was always waiting for. While she still had a chance to see her husband coming football macthes.
They also convey to us that Dev and Rhea married each other not by some force or without knowing each other unlike Mayas and Rishis(Abhishek) marriage. But they very well liked each other before tying the knot hence they both are well aware of the aspirations hence if Devs wife seems ambitious about her job it shouldnt come as a big surprise for him.
Dev after meeting with an accident is forced to give up his football dream and satisfy himself a school childrens football coach .Yes it is really sad for him and difficult to fall under such a situation as male ego certainly does not bear that his wife take control over the house and he is confined to take care of his children and home. But to be honest never in the movie do we find him doing his homely jobs properly either. He could never be a good father .His small kid is always petrified by the father. His father keeps scolding the lad , he forces his sone to achieve his dreams which he could never fulfil. His wife was dominating the house but then why does our society start blaming the woman when she is ambitious about her career? She is shown as person who is only interested in her job and keeps her child secondary but still I feel that the kid was more happier whenever his mom was around than with his father. Also though she is shown as this highly ambitious business person she still loved her husband more than her husband ever loved her .But she is still blamed because she is a strong headed career woman ??.
Why did Dev realise he did not love his wife after five years of marriage simply because it is the wife who has authority in house ?Which of course the woman never took in her hands intentionally but the circumstances made her do it. Couldnt the husband understand this ordeal she was into. Agreed he was feeling left out but this does not give you an excuse to find love elsewhere . Just because of this you love of five years is doomed ??.Thats all you learnt about the person living with for so many years. I definitely say that yes the lady should give time in her house too but considering her job and her responsibilities she should be given some leniency .I would have to loved to see the husband sitting with his wife for at least once and letting her know how he feels about the whole things and how they both should understand the importance of the time they should share with each other instaed of jsut passing sarcastic comments on her and scorning her whenver he got a chance to do so.
The scene in which Rhea tells Dev that I am the man in this house everyone feels appalled and sorry for the poor man but she had to say those harsh words to her husband for his failure to ever understand her and feel her love for him. He is always accusing her right from the beginning and passing rude remarks on her for her job. Wouldnt she have been feeling just as bad.
When Rhea tells her husband that I have been offered a job in London and have been promoted , before she says anything further he blasts her with his egoistic assumptions that she must have decided to shift .When she tells she has decided against her promotion he promptly tells her then what was the need to tell him about it then , why was she trying to show him her sacrifices .Well sacrifice indeed she was doing but she certainly did not want her husband to feel that way . Also I want to ask everyone ... She was his wife , as a wife her husband would be the first person with whom she would like to share her achievements and failure. She had achieved the pedestal of her career wouldnt she feel like sharing her biggest achievement with the person most important in her life and thats the only reason why Rhea tells her husband about it. But instead of congratulations she was always scorned at her achievements isnt that hurtful isnt that appalling.Honestly if I was in her position a million swords would have pierced my heart too.
Rhea was a character of strong determination , responsibility with immense love and loyalty for her husband but the only fault she had was her dedication towards her career. I know as I say this there might many people who still think that Rhea was wrong it was her ignorance towards the family that made he husband go away from her but I guess thats how our society still thinks about working women .When a woman works she is supposed to adorn Super Woman qualities with equal amount devotion to her work and home. When a man comes from work he says he is tired and sinks in his sofa to watch the TV but when the woman comes woman from hard days work she is expected to get right into the kitchen cook the dinner sit with her kids doing homework etc etc.
That does not mean I am saying that women should stop giving their time in the house but it makes two to tango doent it ?.
Coming to Mayas characters ok fine she was into a marriage of compromise she did not love the guy. Perhaps her desires in life were different which she never found in her man. Yes this can happen but 99% women would die to have a husband like Rishi (including me :) ).If not during the marriage but surely after his seeing his love. But what about Dev ???.Was he forced into the marriage too ?No he wasnt .
I understand people drifting away from relationships where there is no love from both the partners and It is very well justifiable to break out of such relationship I would not call this adultery but leaving your spouse who loves you immensely for satisfying your selfish desires is surely adultery which both Dev and Maya do.
The movie was good entertainer and I admired each characters acting excpet Amitabh (that role did not seem him actaully)but the somewhere it gave you a message that you can breakfree from a relationship for your selfishness irrespective or someones true love for you.Thats really sad I feel.
(Please forgive me making this review like an essay on Rhea but I guess we all know what the story is by now I only wanted to highlight this not so strong roles actual strong character in this movie which is sidelined) .