I cant belive I actualy watched this movie, or that I am still alive after watching it
The movie revolves around the relationship of Shah Rukh Khan (Dev) & Priety Zinta (Rhea)
and Abhishek Bachan (Rishi) & Rani Mukherji (Maya)
The movie begins when Rhea and Dev meet for the first time, on Rheas marrige day. They agree not to use the word "Alvida", as they feel it destroys all hopes of further meetings.
(I think thats how "he" named the movie)???
Dev and Maya become friends, to talk and try to fix their broken relationship with thier spouses, but discover that they both are alike in more than 1 ways...
The best part of the movie is probably the songs. the rest of the movie is terrible, there is absolutely no story or plot, the movie just DRAGS onnn and onnnn and never ends!!!!
ps - its not even worth taking your worst enemy to this movie