First and foremost, KJ, you deserve a standing ovation....For simply everything that youve portrayed so well in this movie.
I was actually surprised to find such a movie being dished out by the otherwise usually "melodramatic" KJ!The movie has a very matured tone which indeed needs a lot of careful handling.And Johar does it with utmost perfection, be it the scenes or be it the dialogues.The emotions of the characters have been subtly dealt with and yet they dont leave you groping in the dark..And that certainly calls for a treat.
Love is important in life but then again sacrifice isnt everything.This movie deals with four different kinds of people, all of them utterly human, no "superhero", no "jack-of-all".Nobodys great, nobodys perfect but under everybodys imperfection lies a heart that needs to be loved and cared for.Situation might have put them together in the wrong manner but they do need to find a way out of this.When Sam suggests Maya to leave Rishi because "not only is she robbing herself of someones love but shes robbing him of somebody elses love as well", he speaks out the ultimate truth--sacrifice is imporatant but only where love is!Otherwise every bit of your life turns into hell!And when you dont have a life, its even too difficult to love....None of us is so unconditionally and inanely Godly!
What I consider the strongest part of the movie is definitely the right track.Both Dev and Maya try to pull in their broken relationships together and go ahead with the best of themselves.But their respective acts bring out the truth--somehow its just not being themselves, its being someone else.Love, friendship need a lot of mutual respect, a lot of understanding, a lot of feelings..And when that goes missing, just nothing on earth can ever make 2 human beings love each other.And that is where a "home" becomes a "house", a relationship becomes a burden and life loses its meaning.It might not appeal to the emotional quotient of an average human being but if life has to go on, sometimes theres more a need for a practical solution rather than an act to make things stick together only to find at the end that one compromised pair of people has shattered each others lives and has yet been stupid enough not to find out if love does exist at all!Even the movies been bold enough to come up with the point of trust.Though its all about broken relationships, it still has portrayed a strength and a feeling of trust by making Dev and Maya confess about their love affairs to their respectives spouses.
Extra-marital affairs are nothing new in todays world, not even in a country like India.Only that we succeed better in keeping things under the carpet.But we still do indulge ourselves in a lot of things that the "saat pheres around the fire" forbid us from doing.If "love" is the other name of "life" then do we truly need to hang our heads in shame and lose ourselves in the alleys of "nothingness"??Karans characters in the movie are bold and upright.They tend to learn from life, they tend to learn from broken relationships, they tend to learn from each other and thats where comes out the beauty of being a human being.
As far as the star cast is concerned, well I am a die-hard fan of SRK.And this movies no exception..His performance has made it come alive as always.But yes, this is one of those rare Hindi movies where everybodys performed extremely well.All the different shades of character have been etched out perfectly and Big B, Rani, Preity, Abhishek, Kirron have all left an indelible impression....
The movie might not be of mass appeal.But I personally thank Karan for bringing up a topic which is very much down to earth.And as he had said about this movie, he definitely has raised some right questions.His answers might not be acceptable to all, but I do recommend you to go and watch the movie once.It will make you think, it will raise that one question which a responsible human being can shy away from answering, but can never avoid....
Kudos to you Karan....