Hearing so much criticism about the film, and reading so much about it, I finally couldnt resist myself from going to the theatres to watch it. But honestly, it was a punishment, that was completely uncalled for.
There had been movies on extra-marital affairs like Arth, Yeh Nazdikiyan etc and they all had one thing in common- the sensitive portrayal of a womans character. A topic like separation or infidelity was treated in KANK sans emotions and without the slightest care in the world. It is full of dramatisation, to the extent of being almost insane and its biggest flaw: no individual can be as black or white as portrayed in the movie.
This was really unexpected from a director of Karan Johars repute.
Well, I certainly do not belong to the pre-historic age and Im definitely not against walking out of the institution of marriage if its not binding on the two individuals or if its not working out, but there should be stronger and more convincing reasons for that. If only, one brings the house down or breaks the home for such petty reasons, then, there would be little difference between the Indian culture and the western ones, where one calls off a sacrosanct relation like marriage at the drop of a hat. That does not necessarily mean and I do not hold the opinion then that two perennially conflicting individuals have to be together as they have been doomed by taking the wedding vows.
But when one finally walks down the aisle, a little more responsibility and matured behaviour is expected from both the individuals, taking the plunge.
Rani Mukherjee as Maya is a confused person from the beginning to the end, who does not know what she wants in life and tries looking for the illusive love, which she failed to find in her childhood friend and later husband, Rishi but could easily find solace in the arms of a stranger after a few meetings.
This is ridiculous stuff and absolute crap. Not every woman is so weak basically.
Women are made of sterner stuff and they do not need to act like honey-bees flying from one person to other in search of love.
Shah Rukh Khan like always is the flamboyant, Dev, who can only portray only one emotion of stammering with effortless ease thoughout the movie. He is so blunt about not being able to bear the woman (Maya) living happily with her husband, whose only passion in life is loving his wife. It was disgusting, that the woman responds to such lewd comments by saying that she undergoes the same kind of emotion. It was shocking!!!
It seems that Maya and Dev resigned to their respective fates and got together as they found company in each other, for their failures and frustrations.
Maya is a barren lady, who cannot have a baby and Dev is doomed for life with a limp, for which he is unable to play football, his first love. He is rude with his beautiful, successful wife, even with the little child, who cannot play football but has a penchant for playing the violin.
So, its obvious from KANK and that has been Karan Johars primary objective that 2 frustrated, messy individuals can never live with successful partners, even if they get everything under the sun.They need alternative means like infidelity, sleeping around without walking out of the wedding to find comfort in each other.
Its one of the worst movies, Ive seen in my life and has been primarily made keeping the western audience in mind, for whom, its a regular and commonplace affair.
It is too long and has been stretched to a limit, that cannot be borne anymore in the theatres.