Im not sayign that it is the best film ever made for eveyr person.but for mwe it was the best film I had seen in a veyr very looong was better than k3g and as gud as kuch kuch hota hai-which till date is amongst my fav filsm.
first of all...every scene was magical.simpyl superb.
bt soem examples of the most remarkable scnees of the fikm r:
1)rani and srks scene in the hospital.
2)the mitwa song, specially the endign restuarant scene with both couples celebratign their anniveersary.
3)the spat between both couples was astounding before the interval.
4)the scene at the dinning table when srk jokes that he loves rani.
5)the scene on the traffic signal was smply superb.showed how gr8 a director kj is.
6)the wheres the party tonight scenes between srk-rani……the hesitation, the feelign of doing somethgin wrong……everythign was visible on their srk and rani’s as so real
7)the scene in the hospital between big b and rani
8)the scene when srk tells preity and rani abhi abt the affiar was simply outstanding.the reactions of both abhi and pz as welll as the expressions of both rani and srk deserve the highest praise.
9)the subsequent scene, …the phone call between rnai and srk was very emotional.i was literally crying.
10)the preity-rani scene in the end.
Their r many more scenes as wel…….the comic portiosn I the first half were were the sogn piocturisations specially the title track and rock n roll and tumhi dkeho na.
This is the very first film whci made me cry due to its situations.till date I hav cried only in kal ho na ho k3g and little bit in kuch kuch and ddlg………admn every time I cried coz the performances were so strong…
But fore the first time I really felt for the CHARACTERS…coz srk rani abhi and pz were no where to be seen in the film….it was rhea, dev, maya and rishi.and I cried not coz of the actor’s brilliant performances…but coz of the situations and FOR the characters.
Srk is simply fantastic in his role.a must nomiantion for the next year’s award categories.if not a winner.he is at par with perfection in his scenes with pz.all of them.
Rani is outstanding.specially in the emotional and dramatic scenes of the secodn half.her performance ion the scene when she tells abhi abt ther affair is marvelous.a true award sweeping peformance.
Abhi is mindblowing and perfect ofor his role.he is outstandign is two scenes specially….when rani tells him abt the affair and when he visits rani’s place after three years.
Pz is perfect n her role. Although she doesn’t get as much chances to display her talent bt watever she gets she makes full use of it.her scene with srk when she slaps him stunned me.the mpact was hammer-strong
Big b is as always.marvelous.kron is god and arjun as well.ahsaas chana the little kid is very cute and a very gud actor as well.
But the real performer of the filmm is KJ.its his direction, his writign of uncountable brilliant scenes that take the film to another level altogether.this is his best work without a shred of doubt.and he truly shows the maturation he has gone throw after k3g.this is truly a very mature and bold attempt on relations…..and also it is very innovative as well.
Music offcourse is excellent.title track and mitwa are the best songs of not just the film but the whole year as well.
Cinematography is simply editing department all the scene r well-joined but the film is lengthy//although I loved every minute of it……btu still from th bussiness and masses point of view…ianother 10 minutes shud be deleted.
All in all….this is the best movie I hav seen in a looong llooong time.the best film after kal ho na ho.TRULY MAGICAL!