Hey guys!! just chill. it is just a movie.
ill give KJ full marks for his attempt for doing something very different. though it was not the perfect story, but yes, it is a brave attempt. way to go, KJ. please keep in mind, I am not a KJ movie buff.
his perfect world of perfect love, is now seeing the light of the day and truth also.
the best point of movie is that it is not jugdemental. it does not portray anyone as negative characters. not even the unfaithful couple. I wish that the movie had indain context and indain surroundings with middle class struggle being thrown in. but that is too much to expect from KJ at this moment I suppose.
everybody has acted very well in the movie. I am in love with sexy-sam trust me. though I do not back infidelity but somehow I can identify the feeling of emptiness that sometimes creep in married life. so, next time KJ try to be more mature and daring in your handling of stories.
the scenes, where couples are shown squabbling are done with excellence.
do watch this moive for its differnce.
i like it