It was pretty good. maybe a little crap but it was is pretty funny and also serious which I personally like. maybe u might not think the same. it was like u like some, they marry some else. then u get married to some else 2. then at the end the person u like marries u all of a happily ever after.
it is just what I have written above but making it funny and lengthening it. it is pretty good and the songs r 2. sharukhan and Rani mukhergi meet at the end and I had a pretty confident feeling they will meet again and recall that moment...and they did. however if u want to watch a humorous film but u dont wanna die laughing, this might be a good film 2 is a bit sad 2. instead of me crying 4 sharukhan and rani mukherghi I cried 4 the other 2. they didnt deserve that and wat did they do? exactly wat they didnt deserve. but like they should do they got thier punishment...and married lived happily, so they wer happy and at the end sharukhan goes in the train and pulls the emergency bellwas okay but I would have preferred it 2 remain sad. I would have gave it a 7/10 instead of a 6/10.
but still it was a good film and u should watch it if u want 2. I dont think that I want 2 say anything else 2 u.