Coming on the heels of SOOO many Ksssssssssssssssssss.....K2H2...K3G...KHNH..and now KAREN JOKER (ooooops.....SORRY..karan johar for u darlings) proudly brings u the very same melancholy..stringing in all his movies..the philosofies..of and believe me he is successful to an extent also bcoz.. there are super lyrics of JAVED AKHTAR ...and SHANKAR EHSAAN LOY magic working again...
FIRST always the signature of the album..with sonu and alka..rending their hearts out with melancholy in their voices..they made me think of my relation with my girlfriend ..whom I married...
2ND the latest jump in the wagon by KJ darling...with paki and sufi music becoming the cult nowadays..but the renditions r quite watchable with KING KHAN in an empty stadium ..and did u notice the limp in SRKs stride..well this is now an open secret that his character mite have to sumthing bout this...jus chk it out and lemme know
3rd TRACK....wheres the party a nearly a flipside version of ..its the time to disce...from kal ho... if u rem ..and shankar does a good job ..with vasundhra..and shaan...lets see on screen..whether this has the intensity of the same...
4 th track..dekho naa...bass dekhna hi baaki hai..sadly todays music is judged by the visuals along with it..and not vice cud had been better..coz now u expect heaven from KAREN darling...
5 th track MITWAA REVISITED..and after sufi rock..can the remix b behind....WELL karen JUMPS IN THIS FRAY WITH REMIXEd VERSION OF MITWAA..AND SURPRISINGLY MAKES A NICE HEARING ......but for once ..karen darling dont go beyond than this ..i cant expect a tomato sauce on top of a chocolate mousse..surely ..m I right??? karen.....
6 th track..rock and roll....reminds me a kal ho na ho pretty woman....and so shankar is usually energetic and shaan is sensible..and mahalakshmi...goes mayhem....the problem here is the same..u expect too much and end up with tooo little...
7th track... a musical one is cool end to an album..where there is lots of expectations from the movie..just like fanaa...krisssh..but the thing we can expect from KARAN JOHAR ..and not karen good visuals..enticing performances from all the lead cast music becomes a plus point ..rather a let down definitely worth listening...and watching...on AUGUST 11TH ..till then catch all of them on idiot boxes .....hitting , , screaming...limping..and yes also lip syncing to the above tracks...KANK.... recommended only temporarily .....dont expect the all....right karen ????