I very much doubt if there is anyone who doesnt know the story of this dumb movie as of yet.So, instead of going through the non-existent plot, Ill just give you the reasons why to avoid this movie like the plague..or you might suffer like me.Shee..I cant believe I wasted a whole day on this movie..
1)Lack of a Plot :- Plot...what plot???there is absolutely no story in this movie...big dude is haughty..sends away son for falling in love with poor girl and regrets it in the end..yaaaawn.Neither is this movie a family drama nor is it a romantic movie..I mean SRK and Kajol fall in love as if they were waiting for each other all eternity...yuck, at least put in some complexity to make the movie interesting.
2)Kareena :- Sorry folks..for those of you who have seen Asoka..Kareena has nothing new to show.Obviously, she exposes more than Hrithik and salman combined.Her part is totally irritating..there wouldnt be 1/4th of the number of people waiting to go on a date with her in my college as in that England college.After all her scimpering about in teeny-weeny stuff..it leaves you to wonder what shes doing in Bollywood ..so faaar away from Vegas.Poo..phooh is more the right word.
3)Unimpressive Music :- Basically, there are some good songs in the movie..but there are greatly overshadowed by the bad ones..such as Suraj Hua madham etc.Instead of keeping the audience riveted to the screen they actually turf off the audience..repulsive.
4)Sudden Patriotism :- All of a sudden, patriotism creeps into the movie.One instant you have Hrithik showing off the Ferraris and the next instant there is all Vande Mataram and the national anthem going on.After reading some reviews when I chivalrously stood up for the National Anthem, the only thing I got was a poke in the back for obstructing view..so much for spirit.
5)Wastage of Big Names :- Amitabh has definitely been given a weak part...he is greatly underused..though he carries it out admirably..i seriously feel that he should have been used more for some Dhamaakedaar dialogues.pity.
6) Lack of Humour :- What has Bollywood reduced to..the only humour in the movie is provided by Kajol.Preets(pree-16), I totally agree that life is not all laughs and thats exactly why the movie should have them.I mean, if I want to see rona-dhona, why to go to a theatre.And, why the heck has he even put Johny Lever..he is not at all used.
7) Miscellaneous Stuff :- Apart from this there are various other things that get under your skin..such as some dumb girl running about (apparently to be Kareena), Hrithik continuosly showing-off etc etc etc.Karan Johar doesnt seem to have any other work..so hes simply put together some big stars and portrayed them and their talents like a fashion-show.
Bbasically, the movie is Kajol, Kajol and only Kajol.Shes the only part which makes the movie bearable.Apart from great acting, shes also looking seriously pretty.SRK comes up with some good laughs towards the end.But, its definitely NOT worth sitting 3 and half hours.So much for all the movie..the movie is simply..Blech.