Kabir Singh Movie is just a story of two love birds Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani. Whole film revolves around Shahid Kapoor's struggle to overcome the memories of their love because she left him due to their parents pressure. Shahid Kapoor done an outstanding job in this movie and he gave his hundred percent.
Story of this movie in simple words is that shahid kapoor as kabir rajdheer singh and kiara advani as preeti studies in same college but she was junior from kabir singh and he is the topper of board and university as well but he can't control his anger that results in lots of problems. Kabir fell in love with Preeti at first sight and preeti also felling in love as kabir tries to impress but her parents didn't accept this relationship and married their daughter to another men. After this kabir becomes a mentally ill and start drinking.
This movie is completely a winner and roaring at boxoffice like a lion. Everyone has to watch this ever lasting love