A bundle movie with a good plot. The director have captured some good scences in the film. But all are wasted. Only one good thing is Arsad Warsi and his dialog delivery. Although johns look is good as always. There are three news reporter in the film but they are failed to show the qualities of news reporters.
There is nothing to do for Vidhiya Balan in the film. But she looks beautiful. But the introducing conversation between all three peoples, is bad.
The kadnaping scene of kabul express cab and the situations are not so good. Talibanis entry was good, but he does not looks like a patriot of taliban.
One good joke about film. Balan said to follow johns cab but she already caught and kidnaped by mujahedin. Is she follow or the director want to make a good scene that hero saves the heroine from mujahedin.
But one thing is that which I like in the movie that director done a great try to reveal the truth of afganistan and the politics of pakistan and america.
" If you have extra money and you have no work and you want to sleep on chair than Please Go through Kabul Express."