Dont ever try the briyanis here. Horrible. Just vanaspathi added. The vanaspathi is so much, it was sticking to the vessels. I am sure, the cleaning guys will have a tough time in cleaning the vessels.
The biriyani was in dark brown color(I have never seen such a colored briyani in my life) and it was so thicky like sambar rice.
I had sever stomach ache after having this stuff. Indigestion is guaranteed.
People who like to drink and dine...this is a OK place. Prices are very expensive.
Few foreigners frequent this restaurant for the reason, you can drink and dine....No smoking. This is a plus.
Never go to this place unless you like to drink and dine. The non veg briyani was also equally bad. I dont know how they can charge premium for such a stuff.
I have taken a wow not to visit Kabul anymore.