Karthik_bangalore2000 has appreaciated this ablum as it brings out indian sprituality.Kadri goplanath is from Mangalore in karnataka.his father was a playing nadaswaram which is a traditional indian instrument.but young kadri liked saxophone whch is a western instrument.so it combines carnatic music with a western flavour.
karthik done a good job of uploading one song from the album.if u want more songs for download. email to karthik_bangalore2000@yahoo.co.in
then also there are lot of fusion cds released from kosmic music.the other titles of
kadrigopalnath are
The dream journey.
cosmic wind
raag rang
if u want to download these albums email vivek_xp@rediffmail.com
for the link.
caution-if u get addicted to classical fusion which has flavour of indian spirituality then u cant hear those songs of himesh reshammiya.because u will be enlightened.
and this is quite good to happen in this materialistic world.so I want u people to download these albums for free.
we both will upload those alums of kadrigopalnath and other fusion albums to rapidshare or megaupload.so to start of with this spritual journey download the song provided by karthik_bangalore2000.then review it.then email me.so that I provide u people the link of the album which contains all the songs