To me kadri gopalnaths music is straight out of this world. Please believe me kadrigopalnath is great in indian fusion music. Just buy a cd of his by name SAX THRILLS u will feel the magic of india and its culture. Kadri gopalnath was influenced by this foreign instrument and through his innovative ideas adapted this foreign instrument to indian carnatic style music. He is the best saxaphone player at present. If u hear his music u may feel as though u are about to being enlightned. I sweare I am not bluffing . If u can just hear sax thrills u will be moved by indian music and feel the thought for not promoting indian music in foreign countries.
his fusion albums include 1.dream journey vol 1, vol2, vol3. these 3 albums are a runaway hit .
his best is sax thrills . sax thrills has about 19 classical is the first time that all these instruments are played on a plain classical background with western beats and indian meditation feelings touch. please by gods grace if u happen to read this review u will be one of those people to getting a step closer to god. please hear to sax thrills .
i will promise u if u dont like sax thrills u can scold me any number of times u want.
i am giving u the link of one song in sax thrills listen as a preview and buy the album in ur nearest store and feel the magic of india .
link is:
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