Few movies are made for entertainment and some movies are made to give you information and some movies are made to give you shook.In this movie there is no Khan in it, this film has not filled the cities with its publicity, so you may even ignore it. You will read its advertisement in the newspaper, but by looking at the faces of the cast, you may decide that you do not see this movie! But this film is an important movie of its time.
In the village of Chambal, an old blind man is a poor farmer living along with his daughter Mukund and daughter-in-law Parvati and two daughters, and like living in a similar way. He is worried due to the debt was taken from his son Mukunds bank, he does not even know that his son has a debt on it, to find out how much this amount is, he travels to the bank on a long distance to reach the bank.
But it is only a failure, on the other hand, is the Recovery Agent(Ranvir Shourie) whom the village people call as the Intermediate, many villages commit suicide in the same way that they go to the village where they go. Recovery agent has a different problem, he has to call his family to Orissa with him. Her family is living homeless in the storm of Odisha.
When Hayu and this Recovery Agent face up, a new equation comes up. Both are killed in the weather. What is the situation that comes out of the meeting of both of them? Director Neel Madhav Panda, with great warmth, has said that the fear of the deteriorating weather in every scene is unimpressive.
In a scene, the teacher asks the children about the weather with their children. A child responds innocently, that the weather is too cold and hot, it has not seen rains. In this small scene, you will fall down! In another scene when Mukund does not come home at night, Parvati raises her father-in-law and says just one thing - they will not come home! In this scene, Tilottama Shome gave away the tears of the cinema with his own dialogue!
Because of the magnificent performance of Sanjay Mishra, you start to feel the horror that our farmer is suffering due to the absence of rain! Seeing Ranvir Shorey as an agent, as an agent, it is revealed that a storm has come again in Orissa. In this scene, Ranveer has killed such a thing that the person who sees the person gets trapped in the scene.
Overall, it will not be wrong, Neil Madhav Panda has made a fabulous film of his time, although it is necessary to see if there is no glint. It is extremely important to realize how badly the nature is being used by nature due to human nature and how badly it is affecting our earth and environment. That is why it is also necessary to watch this movie