We have purchased Kaff electric chimney around 4 years back. Every time we need top get it serviced its a nightmare
No list or telephone numbers of Kaff centres are available and moreover even by luck u get its number no ones visit you from the company.
Whats the fun to sell a product if u cant service it afterwards. I would request the company to atleast provide list of its service centres in delhi and NCR. Also it should augment its after sales service which is horrible at present.hope they do it fr the sake of customers. Kaff is reported to be a reputed company in kitchen appliances but as per my personal experience they just want to sell the products and are not interested in providing after sales services.
Its useless to have a product installed in your kitchen if u can not get after sales service. For me, its a useless appliance. Hope company looks in the matter pronto and end customers wows.