Let me begin by giving a loud applaud to the K-Queen, Kekta Kapoor. At the very onset of thinking of writing a review on a subject like KGGK, I was moved. But, as I sit down to actually pen down my thoughts about it, I feel lazy and disgusted. Kudos to those who can still manage to bear it on their TV screens when the kids and husband of the house are yelling to change the channel.
But, it is not the fault of the dear wives of the house, who have become accustomed to watching the soap for years now. It a daily routine, that one follows willingly (read unwillingly). So, it is not a fault of the audience also.
Coming to the soap. Lets get washing!!!! I fail to understand why some characters ( partculary the main character) looks 20 years young 20 years hence. Is it because she wanted to look her ravishing-self all over again, despite being widowed that she asked the director to cast her in a new more sexy avatar?
What is the story? Where is the plot? If I ask the director or producer to narrate the story to me, will she herself be able to do so? Then, how on earth does she expect people to vouch for her soap.
Lastly, please tell me how long would it continue like this? Can that wsteful one hour not be spent in showing meaningful stuff on television. How many more rounds of 20 years is this serial going to commit to its name.
Get a life! puh-leez.