Ekta kapoor has made a modern art out of her kahaani hamaaray mahabhaarat kii(if I spelled it correctly). The first episode was absolutely horrible, Draupadi was shrieking so much that you had to mute the audio. I sort of liked Aryan Vaid as Duryodhan. Then from the 2nd episode onwards, things started to look up, but then they introduced a 25 year old man as Krishna.
Imagine a 25 year old fit enough to rule a kingdom stealing maakhan. Maybe a 6-7 years old child would have looked much much better with makhan all over his face. Also Yashoda never aged. Now shes looking like Krishnas sister. It feels very awkward to see 25 year old Krishna asking his mothers permission to play with his friends.
And moving on, I dont think people ever age in ekta kapoors serials. Satyavati who might be touching eighty doesnt have a single wrinkle on her face. Just a few hair have been colored white. The day is not far off when to show an old man they color the hair of a 10 year old boy white and call him dadaji.