Hi, kahin kissi Roz is said to be an inetersting thriller.... but I dont think so.... it gets on to ur nerves now........... would u pls give a break to poor shaina............. how much does she have to suffer despite being truthful and innocent............ if truth and innocense sufferes like this I think people will stop being truthful nad innocent........... the bitchy Ramola always wins( sorry no personal grudge- Ramola is very nice personally) ............ this cannot happen.......... in real life do women go killing people like this, , , , , , , , , , , , she simply kills every one............ this is a wrong picture of woman...............
pls enough of shains suffering, tired of watching it to.... every time u see . she is trouble............... why ???????? and stupid new shaina..........(shalini) even she being a fraud manage to get along with Kunal and ultimatelly died..... without even kunal knowing the truth................ or she getting punished for the dirty things she did to shaina.........................
and kunal is very stupid, he simply accepted shalini as shaina............ this shows he had no trust on his wife.................... and the poor chjildren always suffering....................
pls bring a fresh turn for shaina..................... she should now succeed atleat............... pls..................... and an end should come to RAmola..............
even Nisha nad Aneesh died thinking shaina was bad.............. where as she was not the victim and was never proved innocent. thats bad.......
pls brring good days for shaina, kunal and the kids.......................
pls comment on this..........................