Review : Kahin Kissi Roz. Somewhere, somebody, some day. Unfortunately, that some day for this gheesa- peeta thriller serial from Ekta Kapoors kitty to end, has been on the run for two years plus. Supposedly deemed as a haunting thriller from the initial gripping promos its now degenerated into your everyday frothy soap- with its own parade of sari- wrapped bahus, pujas, confused betas and bhaiyyas and one hell of a glamorous vamp. Even so, Ill try to highlight for you the better days this serial has seen, and all the sweet and sour curry it has to offer. Welcome to the Sikand parivar, a family of eight- but wait! Theres no joint family here- therere six kids- eldest being confident Kunal, followed by the coy Anish, and the graceful Natasha. With so many cradles to rock, youd expect a Mummyji with no dearth of dark circles. But to prove you wrong, in walks ultraglamorous Ramola Sikand ( Sudha Chandran)whose designer bindis, demure walk, and elegant saris leave you battling for words. Amongst all this confusion enters Shayna, the Tulsi of this serial, whom Kunal falls head over heels in love with, and even breaks his engagement to the luscious Monica for. The luscious grapes go sour, and strange goings on convert life for the Sikands into an overstretched nightmare. Too much has happened over these thousands of episodes for me to condense into a hundred words- so Ill spoon out only whats important. Forgive me if every sentence falls short of word limit and expectations- Im only copying the serial! Culprit caught. Happiness tra la la. Now Kunal reveals he has dead first wife. Hocus pocus begins as if first wife is trying to finish off second, when Boom! Second wife, first wife, same person ( How? Duh! A run of the mill face change obviously?) Shaynas back for revenge against kunal, who she thinks tried to burn her when she was the first wife (That explains why she so peacefully slept with him on one bed all these months) and Ramola walks in to help Shayna in punishing her erring son ( Maa Beta ka pyaar ho to aisa). Then, Ramola reveals her darker side with chilling music that she only tried to burn Shayna as first wife, and then begins chess game betwen Saas Bahu to win the trust of the innocent husband, Kunal. When Kunal realises the truth, Ramola tumbles him off the hill (all downhill from here) and on being caught, scurries to village to hide. There she finds lookalike of Kunal, Kuljit ( Jai Vijay twins, separated at Ambala Station or Mela, sounds familiar?) Ramola gets Kuljit to ape Kunal to void the hangmans noose, Kuljit falls for Shayna- and Kahani me twist! Kunal is back under the mantle of an underworld don, because a gangleader found him amnesia- struck at the base of the hills.( Getting bored? If yes, that makes two of us) Finally, Kunal Shayna reunited, Kuljit thown out on ear, Ramola sidles out of suspicion. When the storys petrol tank got exhausted they refuelled by ushering in Ramolas devar whom she cheated and swindled to grab hold of the Sikand empire, Dhananjay or DJ ( Revenge, eh? Is Shayna listening) In a tamasha spread over a good half- year, which even includes a remake of Screams costume, Ramola takes a backseat as mean queen coz shes to busy running to swirl her mascara- tipped lashes. Finally, she seems to have turned a whitish coulour from black when she takes the bullet from DJs gun meant for Shayna. DJ dies, and so does Ramolas career in the vamp industry. To fill the vacuum, Mr. Joshi, the companys treasurer is murdered, and Kunal is a key suspect. It turns out the killer is Ramolas brother, Ratan ( cat she lay out her family tree properly?). Ratan kidnaps sis, and finally lets her off. Meanwhile someones plotting against Shayna, and Shaynas convinced its Nisha, Anishs grey- shade wife. And Boom again, Ramolas back in business as vamp. Hohum! Im gettin bored, arent you? ill end it there, or youll be searching around for a pillow. So much for storyline. On the whole, Kahin Kissi Roz is a big wasted effort, which started out with an original plot, but dissolved into the mainstream of soapy solutions a la KSBKBT. Its only saving grace is the multi-faceted Ramola Sikand, and its rivetting intro and background music. Its like a pipal tree that could have grown into a big one and died out a graceful death a while later, but later dragged and thinned into a creeper that weighs on you. If this had been concluded, I could have added a star or two in its rating. Apparently, this is a show full of qualities but spoilt by old age. I recommend this for those who love to be taken for a ride, but statutuory warning- its difficult to jump of a full- speed car. So Ill still enjoy Ramolas ravishing saris, Kuljits comical antics, and hate Kunals confusion and Shaynas buffoonery, until some day, somewhere, some time, Ekta kapoor will be struck by lightning and finally give all adicts relief with a final episode. Till then, lets wait for that day, Kahin Kissi Roz.